
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

David Boreanaz Tweeted me!

You all will forgive me for geeking out a bit, but I just found out that David Boreanaz tweeted my article on Six Couples Who Didn't Kill Their Show. This is kind of a big deal.

I've had my articles make the rounds on the internet before, usually thanks to links on Fark and Reddit. That couples article got linked to Fark back in December and I thought I'd heard the end of it. Apparently the website found it, linked it, and the Bones fans quickly took notice, including Mr. Seeley Booth himself. How cool is that?

My wife and I have been huge fans of Bones since before it aired. She's always been interested in forensic anthropology, and we both have been fans of Boreanaz for years from his roles on Angel, Buffy, and that one episode of Married with Children when he gets beaten up by Al Bundy. It was a match made in Heaven, and we instantly fell in love.

For us, the quality of the show has never diminished over its run, and we've really enjoyed seeing Booth and Bones become a real couple. Most show ruin major couplings, and I'm always a huge fan of shows that get it right, which prompted my article. Even though Bones' latest coupling was only a few episodes in when I wrote it, I already loved what I was seeing: a real, adult couple.

I had no idea that my article would eventually catch the notice of one of its subjects. The purpose of this blog, and my writing with The Noob News, is to get my name out there as a writer. I want to impact people with my words, make them laugh, make them mad, make them think. I believe I accomplished all three with this article. (Just read the comments.)

Writing is a risky venture, because you are putting yourself out there for the world to see, judge, and possibly condemn. It's safer to keep your thoughts to yourself, but to play it safe means never having days like these. I never thought I'd be in this position a year ago, and I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

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